Edinburgh: elegance and exceptional functionality

Edinburgh: elegance and exceptional functionality

Elegance and Edinburgh recycling bin always go hand in hand. Straight and delicate lines, careful finishes, clean design, combine with exceptional functionality.

The Edinburgh recycling bin is designed in a monobloc for 2, 3 or 4 types of waste. It has 2 different collection systems: metal ring and inner metal bucket. Both systems, as can be seen in the photos, hide the garbage bag and hold it in such a way that, in addition to being very aesthetic, cleaning the bin becomes an easy and simple process: open the bin, extract the full bag, place the empty bag and close the bin.

It is a secure bin, the lock on its lid prevents unauthorized personnel from accessing it.

In addition, it has a self-extinguishing version. In this version, if a fire were to occur inside the bin, it would be extinguished without human intervention.

The Alzamora Shopping Center were clear when equipping their facilities as this bin offered everything they were looking for: elegance, safety, design and simple cleaning.

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