Special bin designed for planters
Cervic Environment designs bins to be inserted in planters which are already installed in Elda (Alicante, Spain)
The council of Elda, together with the company in charge of the cleaning service of the city, Fobesa, spotted the need of installing bins harnessing the already available street furniture, so they asked Cervic Environment to design a bin which could be adapted to the already existing planters of the city in such a way half of the planter will be from that moment a bin and the other half will remain a planter.
This system has many advantages, among which the use of the already existing street furniture and the enhancement of the mobility by saving the collocation of more urban furniture stand out. In addition, as these bins are located in the area where some parades are taken place, they can be moved away more easily than if the bins would be fixed to the ground.
For more information about this product, please, check the following link: