Alicante bin, now with foot pedal!

Alicante bin, now with foot pedal!

Alicante bin of Cervic Environment has now a version with foot pedal, which allows the aperture without any manual contact with the bin.

This new version allows depositing and keeping the residues hold inside the bin in an hygienic way through its flap activated by depressing a foot pedal, , avoiding this way the contact with the bin or the residues deposited inside, which is specially recommended with the so topical residues such as gloves, masks or tissues.

This bin has a smart and minimalist design and it can be found in both its contract-office version for general waste and it s recycling version which can be used individually or creating recycling stations for many types of waste.

Alicante bin is available in both white and metallic grey.

This product can be used indoors and outdoors.

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